viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

Writing a Letter (instructions)

           Write a short letter of complain to the tour operator (Mr. Kent) about the things you wish could have been better in your Europe trip.

           Think of hotels, restaurants, food people timing, types of activities, place visited.

ºYou have to include the following connectives:
-in particular
-as a result
ºWrite between 300 and 350 words.
ºFollow the example (structure, format) on page 190.

Tattooing:A tradition (answers)

European sailors
Maori culture
Facial tattoos
High status
Maori women
Tattoos around the mouth
Prevent the skin become wrinkled
Wodaabe women
Dotted temples/cheeks/lips
Ward off evil spirits

a) Tattoos are mark of machismo,aform ofexpresions for sailors,bikers and convict. Tattooes are aften synbolic of rich cultural histori.
b) In the 1960 s tattoos was an antisocial activity and in 1990 s in means of aserting one identify.
c) Are marks of high satatues.
d) Potential.
e) It war also common for a tribe to give tattoos to those who had proficiency in using the the symbol that was a tattooed upon their body.
f) From a rebolution antisocial activiti in the 1960 s to a mainstreammeans of asserting one's ideatity in the 1990 s.

4) (alternative)
a) C
b) B
c) A