lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Echo routine


It's saturday on the night. Before you go to a friend's hous, when you're wearing, you realize that your shirt is worn. You decide that need one new. So you start on your own car to the mall for buy another new. When you have finished, you return to your house on your car.

Details of the routine: 

1) You go on your car to the mall.
You can utilize public transport or a bicycle to get the mall.

2) It's night, so you need a lot of ilumination that need a lot of energy.
Go on the day, for don't utilize ilumination or you will need less.

3) Thinking: my shirt is broken so I need another shirt.
If your shirt is broken, you put another and the next day you go to fix it.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013


Image I have chosen (photo 3):


Like you can see on this picture, there is one person but with two different looks. One of this looks (in the first half of the picture) is a common clothes on people that have different behavior, not necessary bud, but however they don't follow the stereotyp. The other half shows the classic dress for work, with the tie, shirt, elegant shoes and the suit. 

The issue key can be that is the same person, because he can be the two at the same time, but this act make that his work isn't  "profesional" or a good job. Why? Because the stereotyps said that this people is a bad person. 

MomiaWell, in the maori culture tattoos mark people as part of specific social, religious or political gruops. There don't exist bad stereotyps for tattoos, you should have a tattoo.
But on chilean culture as well as USA culture, the tattoo is frowned upon. It is because there exist a generalization and in this places they think that all the "bad" people use tattoos, as a result of this stereotyp, all people that have tattoos is bad people.

For someones, can differentiate, stand out or draw attention is important, because with this they can feel free.

The tattoo is an expression of oneself (whether seen as an art form, a method to differentiate, to stand out or draw attention), as could be a painting of Picasso.
 In my opinion, tattoos is an art style, because with this we can express ideas, emotions or generate ideas, doing exactly as is the definition of "art".
Bad for others, this expres only pagan ideas that should not be taken into account.

The tattoos is an method of expresion of own self, some peoples critics this tecnic of art expresion, but the people that do tattoos on their self only want to expres diferents ides that not nessesari are bad, only diferent. Other persons makes tattoo on their self because they want to be see, you could say they are exhibitionists, also are cases of people who simply do the tattoo for fashion reasons. Whatever reason, is not bad, only another way of being.

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

Writing a Letter (instructions)

           Write a short letter of complain to the tour operator (Mr. Kent) about the things you wish could have been better in your Europe trip.

           Think of hotels, restaurants, food people timing, types of activities, place visited.

ºYou have to include the following connectives:
-in particular
-as a result
ºWrite between 300 and 350 words.
ºFollow the example (structure, format) on page 190.

Tattooing:A tradition (answers)

European sailors
Maori culture
Facial tattoos
High status
Maori women
Tattoos around the mouth
Prevent the skin become wrinkled
Wodaabe women
Dotted temples/cheeks/lips
Ward off evil spirits

a) Tattoos are mark of machismo,aform ofexpresions for sailors,bikers and convict. Tattooes are aften synbolic of rich cultural histori.
b) In the 1960 s tattoos was an antisocial activity and in 1990 s in means of aserting one identify.
c) Are marks of high satatues.
d) Potential.
e) It war also common for a tribe to give tattoos to those who had proficiency in using the the symbol that was a tattooed upon their body.
f) From a rebolution antisocial activiti in the 1960 s to a mainstreammeans of asserting one's ideatity in the 1990 s.

4) (alternative)
a) C
b) B
c) A

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Advertising Campaign: Big-Cola

I chose the Big-Cola´s campaign with the protagonist David Villa, a football player of FC Barcelona. The slogan of this advertisement is: "Big-Cola: think big", that refers if you drink this, you will be big.

The target audience of this product is the young people, between 10 to 25 years old. This campaign is principal for mens, but the womans that like football also. This is for people that live in Europe or Colombia, and like football as soda drink, and of course, people who can pay a Big-Cola bottle.

The purpose of this advertisement is to persuade the audience to drink this soda and not other, because this "make you big". For this, the company (Kola Real) use or make tv ads.

Here you can see the tv ad:

martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

Students Raise Money for a Good Cause

Jose Tomas
Fri July 27th, 2012

The Mackay School- Today the School is raising money for poor. The Mackay told his estudents that can come to the school on Friday if they pay $500.

The Mackay School has four trips, the first to Colliguay, the secondto the south of Chile, the third to the nort of Chile and the last trip to Europe.

In the south trip, The Mackay students go to Lota, a little city of Chile. There, the students visit a kinder garden, there the people is very poor, and for these peolple come the money. Also The Mackay School`s students bring presents to the children of this kinder garden and spend all the day there.

martes, 3 de julio de 2012

My 1º day in the school:

It was a long time ago. I enter in the 2002, 10 years ago wen I`m4 years old. This day I don`t remember so good, because I`m a little boy. I enter in kinder, this class have students that wow don`t are in the school, because he go away to other school, but now, the mallory of the student of this class are now in II.

The 1º time that I met a friend:

I`m in the kinder garden, when I have 3 years old, but I`m so little and I don`t remember him.

The 1º people of other country that I now:

This was in the United Stated when I went to there in the 2000, I`m only 3 years old and him work on the airport of there. Him I don`t remember because I`m so little.