martes, 3 de julio de 2012

My 1º day in the school:

It was a long time ago. I enter in the 2002, 10 years ago wen I`m4 years old. This day I don`t remember so good, because I`m a little boy. I enter in kinder, this class have students that wow don`t are in the school, because he go away to other school, but now, the mallory of the student of this class are now in II.

The 1º time that I met a friend:

I`m in the kinder garden, when I have 3 years old, but I`m so little and I don`t remember him.

The 1º people of other country that I now:

This was in the United Stated when I went to there in the 2000, I`m only 3 years old and him work on the airport of there. Him I don`t remember because I`m so little.

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