martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

Students Raise Money for a Good Cause

Jose Tomas
Fri July 27th, 2012

The Mackay School- Today the School is raising money for poor. The Mackay told his estudents that can come to the school on Friday if they pay $500.

The Mackay School has four trips, the first to Colliguay, the secondto the south of Chile, the third to the nort of Chile and the last trip to Europe.

In the south trip, The Mackay students go to Lota, a little city of Chile. There, the students visit a kinder garden, there the people is very poor, and for these peolple come the money. Also The Mackay School`s students bring presents to the children of this kinder garden and spend all the day there.

martes, 3 de julio de 2012

My 1º day in the school:

It was a long time ago. I enter in the 2002, 10 years ago wen I`m4 years old. This day I don`t remember so good, because I`m a little boy. I enter in kinder, this class have students that wow don`t are in the school, because he go away to other school, but now, the mallory of the student of this class are now in II.

The 1º time that I met a friend:

I`m in the kinder garden, when I have 3 years old, but I`m so little and I don`t remember him.

The 1º people of other country that I now:

This was in the United Stated when I went to there in the 2000, I`m only 3 years old and him work on the airport of there. Him I don`t remember because I`m so little.

domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

Down Syndrome

Personal Opinion:

Síndrome de Down
Opinión personal:
My review of Down syndrome is that people with this syndrome is special people, have the same rights as us, and also have more trouble doing some things for which we have to help.

martes, 3 de abril de 2012

Ethical Dilemma

The class has broken the window glass as a result of the misconduct of a student. The teacher asks who did it, saying that if the offender does not show the whole class will have to pay your repair work and suffer other penalties, and you know who is responsible.

I think that the correc is not say the true to the teacher, but the student are bud.